I'm there with you! Lots of love!

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Thank you…

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I feel your pain and depression, Bruce. I’ll be praying for you. I have had treatment resistant depression since I was a teenager (so, for a long time!) It ebbs and flows, of course, but it has never really gone away. Except in the last year or so, when I have been on a new treatment. I would not be able to do anything I am doing now without that medication. (It’s called Spravato, which is a nasal spray formula of ketamine. I do it in a doctor’s office; I don’t buy it on the street. Haha!) You seem to be a lot like me in that you appear to be a high functioning depressed person. I think that makes it harder because people see you going here and there, writing, preaching, etc. and they say or think, how can that person be depressed when they can do all those things. Of course, that is a complete lack of understanding of depression and how it manifests itself in different people. I am sure you have a therapist, and I am not one, but if you ever need to talk or vent to someone who has been there, I’m around. Take care, friend. Be good to yourself, and do what you need to do, especially in this hard time.

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Thanks much. So many folks, I am sure, deal with all of this in silence. Grateful for the platform and privilege that allows me to be more open. Def part of my own selfcare :-) Well wishes right back at you.

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