Welcome to The Amalgamation

Thanks for taking the time to find out more about The Amalgamation. Years ago, I managed a softball team named “Amalgamation” because it comprised people from various parts of my life, some overlapping and others an island unto themselves.

With that in mind, if you tossed into a mixer all of my interests, passions, and opinions, The Amalgamation is what you would get. In The Amalgamation, you will get technology, faith, clifton strengths, culture, fitness, religion, sportsball, pop-culture, food, writing, and more.

You have duly been warned.

And now the nitty-gritty.

As an M-List writer who also happens to be a coach, speaker, and podcaster (Who isn't, these days?) and occasional Presbyterian pastor, I am engaged in full-time gig work, mostly writing, speaking, and coaching. I love it, and thanks to my spouse, who brings healthcare into my life, I only need to contribute to the household in meaningful ways as we attempt to live a life of “enough” and nothing more. I do not make all of my living from this space, but a growing percentage comes from by freelance and contract writing.

Compensating independent creators for their energy and work is an essential gesture for those with the resources and yearning for a more equitable world. Our family supports writers here and on Patreon because we believe that our resources are well-spent in supporting and amplifying voices for good.

To the best of my ability, I hope to be part of that chorus for good, and you are invited to join me in that adventure by becoming a paid subscriber*.

FREE: Most posts will be available without any limitations, plus you’ll get access to three month’ worth of archived content.

PAID: Besides the posts, full archive access, and community membership, you’ll also receive zoom meet-up invitations, seasonal offerings, and more.

RIDE OR DIE (AKA founding Members) get all the things, plus you will help to underwrite any Gift Subscriptions that I may offer.

If you would like to know more about me, the best is to follow me on IG check out my links on LinkTree, or just google Reyes-Chow and see what you find :-)

Peace all!

* I do not want $$ to be a reason that folks cannot be part of the community when they want to, so if you would like an annual gift subscription, email me directly with as much or as little info as you would like to offer and I’ll hook you up!

Thanks for reading The Amalgamation by Bruce Reyes-Chow. Please Subscribe today!

Subscribe to The Amalgamation

Focusing on religion, politics, race, pop culture, and technology The Amalgamation is a collection of musings, reflections, audacious think pieces, and invitations to co-conspire for good..


Formed in the 209 & 916, raised a family in the 415, and now living in the 408. Full-time author, speaker, and coachsultant. An occasional pastor, a convener of people, and mediocre at a great many things. Welcome!