Progressive Except for Palestine
Ongoing disappointment, anger, and bewilderment at the absence of progressive Christians
What if, 18 months ago, self-identified “progressive” Christian leaders and organizations were asked the hypothetical question, “Would remain silent in the face of a US-backed militarized genocide and ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of people?”
How many of us would pause, contemplate, and land on, “It depends.”?
I choose to believe that most folks, if not all, would quickly and unequivocally respond, “No, of course, we would stand against such things.”
Yet here we are approaching that 18-month marker of the Us-Backed Isreali governments’s response to the October 7th attack by Hamas. Still both-siding a military action that has been called a genocide by international groups, still giving unquestioned support to legislators who continue to vote to send US billions of US tax dollars to Isreal, still doing all the theological, ideological, and moral gymnastics in order to avoid addressing our complicity, and don’t get me started on our ongoing avoidnace to have conversations about Christian Zionism because things are just too complicated.
Worse yet, I have witnessed what seems to be an increased emphasis on other areas of public witness and social justice, as if being louder and bolder for one marginalized group somehow lets us off the hook for remaining silent on the genocide of the Palestinian people. We fall into the traps of “We can’t fight all the battles,” “We can only do so much,” or even worse, “It won’t matter; nothing we do will change anything.”
So we justify our silence or shove any mention of Palestine in neutered prayers that list off terrible things happening in the world. We mention it just enough to feel good but not enough to stir us to action, and then we fill the void with more palatable actions and advocacy.
When I see this, it’s more than disappointing. It’s gross. It’s not only nihilistic and cowardly, but it is anti-gospel, giving the big middle finger to the powerful reality of resurrection and the part we play in it. It is one thing to stay within the capacities of energy and resources; it is quite another to use that as an excuse to do nothing. Yes, this may be a fuzzy, contextual line, but I suspect most folks know in their gut when it has been crossed.
Many of you have heard of folks and communities like this labeled as PEP.
— except for Palestine.
I am generally not a blanket labeler as such, but after attending yet another anti-Genocide, pro-Palestinian public action and again witnessing the lack of self-identified Christian (Clergy in particular) presence, I cannot help but wonder if this is precisely where most progressive Christians are.
I see church after church and clergy after clergy boldly show up for protests, actions, and public witnessing for Pride, the Women’s March, #BlackLivesMatter, yet to look at almost ALL events that I have been to, not been organized by Christians, the public Christian presence has been minimal to non-existent. No, I have not been to ALL actions everywhere, but consistently and in contrast it seems that our Jewish and Muslim siblings are showing up en masse to be present. They have found the courage and committment join collective voices to demand an end to the occupation of stolen land, to denounce arms sales and militarism, and to call for the end of mass abuse, violence, and killing.
If these are not progressive values, I do not know what they are.
And save a few groups that I mention at the end, we Progressive Christians are absent.
For some reason, far too many Christians, and I dare say progressive pulpit pastors, bask in the warmth and accolades of preaching a culturally prophetic word about LGBTQIA+ exclusion, racism, misogyny, economic disparity, etc. to those for whom it is not a prophetic word, but a pastoral one. While there are times when a progressive community needs to be affirmed in their culturally prophetic claims, a complete absence of any challenging prophetic word about what is happening in Palestine and our complicity takes away from the legitimacy of other prophetic stances. Ultimately, if the progressive word does not challenge those progressives in the pews, the label — Progressive Except for Palestine — is entirely justified.
Sure some may proudly and morally accept that label, but the victims of such ongoing postures are the Palestinians who continue to face daily suffering and accumulate generational trauma. Maybe some can live with that; I, for one, cannot — I will not.
This is why I am grateful for the organizations that continue to challenge us Christians to be better and more courageous in our advocacy and steadfast in our solidarity with the Palestinian People.
At this weekend's “Bay Area All-Out for Palestine,” a small subset of us from the Bay Area thread of Christians for a Free Palestine met up. We were not a large contingent, but we made sure to grab a picture and begin what is often the first step to building and organizing a larger movement.
I would also point to my denominational advocacy group, The Palestine Justice Network (PJN) of the Presbyterian Church (USA), which has been at this work for far longer than I have. Everyone should also connect with Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center and Friends of Sabeel, North American (FOSNA) to keep up with the vast amount of resources available.
I am so grateful for these organizations and the myriad of individuals who have tended this space and continue to raise awareness and challenge the rest of us to stay connected, keep up the pressure, and remain hopeful.
Finally, if you have made it this far without an “Eff you, Bruce, you judgemental jackass,” thank you for the benefit of the doubt. I know that these kinds of posts can be received as “holier than thou,” no matter the intention, but this past week, I was reminded by
that there are times when we must acknowledge the realities that we believe to be true and hold one another to account.I NEVER THOUGHT so many of us would be so clear about which side of history we’re really on. Once upon a time, Lady Liberty’s poem promised refuge to the world’s tired and poor. For generations, we swallowed the fairy tale of American benevolence, believing the U.S. and its allies were the never-ending heroes in history’s story.
Yet now empire’s mask lies shattered on the blood-stained steps of Congress, revealing its true mission statement — poetry written in bullets and bombs instead of bronze and stone.
So, yes, I admit this is a calling out of sorts for many of my friends, colleagues, and the communities they are a part of or lead. This is not a litmus test or an invitation to engage in oppression competition but a call to consistency and integrity. None of us is ideologically pure or above reproach, and we all have different capacities for action, but if this call-out feels a little close to home, it is entirely intentional — AND it is done with hesitation, forbearance, and love.
See you at the next action for any and all the things that matter!

Bruce - I have read and re-read this post about 10 times now, trying to get to a place where I had words of response that would convey how your thoughts land in this place where I sit. I wonder what would demonstrate to you that many of us are responding to the pain of Palestine but we are probably not on your radar. I wonder how using words like disappointing, gross, nihilistic, and cowardly helps to create space for questions and conversation. I wonder if the only way you see us is if we are physically present in the places you inhabit. I wonder how you will know what many of us are saying and doing in our own small spaces with our own communities. You continue to challenge me to pay attention to where I am putting my time and my energy and for that I am grateful. I’m not grateful for content that blames and shames. How do we get past that?
I don't disagree with Mark. I'm absolutely against the actions happening in Palestine but I'm also only a 2 hour a week pastor and a 50 hour a week worker to make a living. Show me how I can make my vice heard with the amount of time I have left after everything else I'm supposed to do and I'm on it!